It is very important to identify strategies and techniques to implement language skills from a practical perspective. The language is the means of thoughts and learning. Thanks to the language skills people receive pieces of information, they provide them and construct our own reality. During the process of learning and teaching, the integration of the four skills of a language (reading, writing, speaking, listening) become a very important aspect, however, it is a big challenge for teachers to immerse the class into the four skills. Due to the problem that it was decided to present, it responds to the question how to integrate the four skills in our classes, that is why the objective of this presentation will be to provide some theory and examples on how educators can integrate the four skills in their lesson, this process will turn strategies into more meaningful and real life-like classes.
It is important to know that during the learning process, there are skills that focus on the input (reading, listening) and others on the output (writing, speaking), it is necessary to cover all of them to have a successful learning and teaching process. When the four skills are integrated in the lesson on a daily basis, students are more connected to the language and how it is spoken in the outside world, also it transforms the lesson into an interactive environment. There some methods and techniques to follow in order to integrate the four skills in a lesson, besides techniques and strategies to make our class more communicative.
Educators might use two types of integrated-skill instruction; content-based and task-based. The first one allows students to reach the learning goals through language, with the Task-Based Instruction, students do tasks that involve communicative language use. The Content or Task based instruction require students to communicate and have lots of interaction, these actions help teachers to recreate real-life like situations which prepare peers to face the “outside” world. Both teachings benefit from a diverse range of materials, textbooks, and technologies for the ESL or EFL classroom.
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